Change of Official Names

随着我国对外关系的发展和国际地位的提高,我会的工作范围不断拓展,1966 年4 月,改称为中国人民对外文化友好协会。1969 年10 月,改称为188bet亚洲,简称“对外友协”。1972 年5 月,中国人民保卫世界和平委员会、中国亚非团结委员会与188bet亚洲合并,办公地点在北京市台基厂大街1 号。2007 年5 月,188bet亚洲的简称变更为“全国友协”。
With the expansion of China’s relations with other countries and the improvement of China’s international status, the Association steadily broadened its areas of work, and hence it was renamed the Chinese People’s Friendship Association for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries (CPFACRFC) in April 1966.In October 1969, it was renamed the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC).In May 1972, the Chinese People’s Committee for World Peace and the Chinese Committee for Afro-Asian People’s Solidarity merged with the CPAFFC. Since then, its headquarters has been at No.1 Taijichang Street, Beijing. The Chinese abbreviation for the CPAFFC was changed into “Quan Guo You Xie” in May 2007.

Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, the P.R.C. 版权所有
